About Us

Bringing Ethiopian businesses to engage
in the nutrition agenda

About SBN


The SBN is one of four global networks within the scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement which supports 61 Countries, including Ethiopia, to develop a multi-stakeholder approach to nutrition. The SBN Ethiopia’s ambition is to increase the availability and affordability of safe, nutritious foods in Ethiopia through:


Convening and organizing business around national nutrition priorities;


Assessing the challenges and opportunities facing businesses in scaling up their actions and investments in nutrition and facilitating partnerships at national and global level to support national businesses


Improving the enabling environment to incentivize business to act on nutrition, fostering strong links and partnerships for the SBN Ethiopia with SUN’s Civil Society, Donor and UN networks, along with the Government of Ethiopia.

The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), the UN
World Food Programme (WFP) co-convene the SBN at
global level. GAIN Ethiopia hosts the secretariat of SBN
Ethiopia and has created the SBN Ethiopia Executive
Committee and works closely with the SUN Focal Point in

Our Mission

To enhance the private sector’s
contribution towards improving
nutrition in Ethiopia.

Our Vision

To be the focal point for private
sector engagement in the
nutrition agenda of Ethiopia.

Core Values

Our 7 core values which underpin the SBN Ethiopia and everything we aim to achieve as an network:








Work together


Corporate Social Responsibility


Keep it Simple


Take initiative

SBN Ethiopia Strategy

3  Y E A R S  S T R A T E G Y  E X P L A I N E D

The strategy has seven core objectives that form the foundation for the SBN’s priority initiatives for the next 3 years.


3 – Year Strategic Plan for Engaging The Private Sector for Nutrition in Ethiopia (2021-2023)

      Core Objective

    What does it mean?

Develop a strong SBN Ethiopia membership

This is about continuing to increase the number of active members and become more visible in the food and nutrition community.

Improve nutrition policies & regulations.

This is about providing input and recommendations to policies, legislation on the role of private sectors & ease of doing business.

Increase business engagement in the non-nutrition sector.

This is about helping businesses to become more active in workplace/school nutrition, CSR initiatives and the broader nutrition market.

Facilitate meaningful partnerships & investment options in Nutrition.

This is about working with financial institutions to set up start-up funds and national SME pitch competitions as investments in nutrition, and foster partnerships.

Improving nutrition sensitivity in the Ethiopia Food System and the agricultural value chain.

This is about increasing the focus on nutrition within smallholder farming communities and Agro Industry Parks.

Increase the availability of fortified products & supplements.

This is about helping to ameliorate the challenges and explore the opportunities around food fortification along the entire supply chain.

Increase nutrition awareness & demand.

This is about initiating and supporting the roll out of a major nutrition awareness SBCC campaign.


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